New Foundations
Time of testing, Spring 2020

The coronavirus has found its way to the delta.
There is now a State lockdown with army and police enforcement. We anticipated this as it spread across Europe and ensured we had extra fuel for the next three months, extra food for the team and for those vulnerable in the community . Anticipating shortages and price hikes we have sourced a sizeable amount of masks, aprons and gloves and extra drugs for the clinics at Enekorogha and Oyangbene.

The ward has been closed for admissions. Patients are screened and treated as asymptomatic carriers. Public health measures, include education via tannoy and community education via the council, churches and village stakeholders.
Shielding the vulnerable is not realistic in this environment. Oxygen is not available, there are no ventilators. The communities are at serious risk if the virus takes hold. Education is the key.
For many, fear is very real. No ability to stockpile food, no reserves of cash and knowing there is no cure and nothing available at hospital, the media coverage of the pandemic across the world brings despair. The team both educate , instigate public health measures and point people to Jesus, not as a desperate gesture of blind faith, but with confidence. They have a reason for their hope, and a surety in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save.
Annual cholera and dysentery epidemics coupled with the constant and pervading threat of malaria has built resilience into the communities ( perhaps more than in the west) but this new threat with new methods of transmission, no-one anticipated.
Calmness, due diligence, education and christian witness provide a very real antidote to panic.
We met as a team in early March, for training, prayer, and fellowship. We focused on preparedness, maturity and 'strengthening that which remains' ( cf. Revelation Chapter 3). God's timing was, as always, perfect.
Training camp and update, days before flights were grounded...
With gang violence lessening as the floods eased, Oyangbene Clinic was officially reopened, the only clinic of its kind in this remotest region of the delta creeks. Access channels to the community are silting up with the dry season, and travel is sometimes a challenge.

too shallow to use the engine
too shallow to use the engine
Oyangbene Clinic reopens
A remote community in the inner creeks of the delta, this clinic serves many rural settlements. The clinic sits beside our school and is a vital hub for the community who shared in the building of the clinic.
This is the only health centre for these people, without which children in particular remain very vulnerable.
A new boat is now in service for patient and staff transport, and allows visitation to remoter settlements for health care and evangelism ( seen leaving Enekorogha at the top of this mail)

Thank you for your continued support and prayers in these days of chastening. The Lord remains in all things, sovereign. /